/** * Author by Freeman Lo on 9/1/15. * Project Num : Project 1 * Purpose : To take a list of grade values from an external file and parse it * : so that it will find out the mean or average value and compare it with * : other scores to find out the Letter Grade for each student. * Algorithm : OO programming with two classes; an input file, an output file * : The average section where compute and assign letterGrades each are computed at O(n) * : My read-in and output methods are also at O(n) * : A read File method to take in value from a file * : A method to Compute the mean of all of the scores from file * : A method to gather the Letter grade for each scores * : A final method to print out each of the scores and its letter grade value * : An arraylist was used to capture all of the scores then process letter grade * : Project1Driver.java (Main); AssignScore.java (library) * Compile : javac Project1Driver.java * : java Project1Driver < data.txt */ public class Project1Driver { public static void main(String[] args) { AssignScore ascore = new AssignScore(); // creating a Score object ascore.readFile(); // read in form file ascore.computeMeanScore(); // compute Average ascore.assignLetterGrade(); // Assign Letter Grades ascore.writeFile(); // write Letter grades to file } }