#!/usr/bin/env python import sys import os """ Author : flo date : 2017.02.13 Purpose : example of finding out the amount of principle paid to mortgage lender per year. : Comments: Simulate the number of mortgage payments based on the loan amount : one can alter the number of months in the outer loop to reflict the : term for your mortgage, say change 13 to 25,2years; 13 to 37, 3 years, etc... : Will write an interactive one sometime soon ! : usage : python mortgage.txt usage : python mortgage.txt > report.txt """ def count(): # 250,000 is the amount from bank on a loan as an example tot, sum = 250000, 0 # 12 months of the year for i in range (1,13): # assuming 30 days per-month for x in range(1, 31): # .0450 is the assume interest amount sum = tot * .0450 * (1.00/365.00) tot = sum + tot print "Month\t" + str(i) + " Day\t" + str(x) + "\t" + str(round(tot,2)) + "\t" + str(round(sum,2)) # 650 is the amount of principle per month # forgot to factor in the amount leader has taken interests out initially/automatically # assume 300 is the amount a bank or lender has calculated for you each 12 month on an escrow plan # 650 is the principle amt in that escrow + additional principle you wish to add to your monthly # balance towards your mortgage tot = tot - ( 650 + 300 ) def main(): count() # calling main if __name__ == "__main__": main()